Radio Mi Amigo International Nederlands Deutsch English

DJ's: Theo de Brabander

EmailEmail Theo de Brabander

Theo was born on July 20, 1960 and has been active in radio since the early 1980s. A late bloomer, actually, but before he sat down in front of the microphone himself, he's studied offshore and land based pirate stations for years, Infected early on by the benign microbe better known as 'the Radio Virus'.

Theo de Brabander Mama's cousin worked for the Flemish offshore station Radio Atlantis, which at the time was broadcasting from the MV Mi Amigo. A fine example for young Theo, who was convinced proper radio could only come from the seas.

Extremely passionate about free radio in those early years, Theo took his first steps in this fascinating world. Taking part in the start of one of the first free stations, Radio Ternat (he still live close by), was his first playground, followed by Radio Pajottenland, even more popular at the time. But he always aimed higher...

Theo de Brabander This resulted in no less than 10 years at Radio Maeva, the land based successor of Radio M Amigo. After the close of Dutch-language offshore station Radio Mi Amigo in 1978, the ambitions of the involved producers continued. And so Radio Maeva was founded on May 24, 1981, based on the same ideals as the former offshore stations, but this time from the land, even if it was illegal.

Radio Maeva in Belgium was a historical phenomenon. It appeared in the Guinness Book of Records for being the pirate with 'the most transmitter raids' in Flanders. In total, 28 powerful FM transmitters were seized in those years.

Theo de Brabander Later a syndicated radio production company was founded under the name 'PPR'. Programs without station calls were recorded continuously. The idea was to have these programs aired by as many different stations in Flanders as possible. A kind of 'chain radio avant la lettre', which actually worked quiet well.

At Radio Contact Nationaal, a large Flemish commercial radio station in Belgium, Theo could be heard in the weekends, and later also at Radio Mi Amigo192, the internet oldies station that also had an FM transmitter at the Spanish Costa: a kind of revival of the former offshore station, but in a new digital form.

Over the years that followed, Theo worked for AVO (Affligemse Vrije Omroep), De VBRO (Bruges) with Peter (Peer) Van Dam, BRAVO (with Eric and Marc 'Hofman & Friends'), Radio Diest and Radio Northsea International UK (Flemish-Dutch service), YesterdaylandRadio, named after the annual retro festival in Bobbejaanland.

For one year Theo de Brabander could be heard on Radio Mi Amigo International until the fall of 2021


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